Elegance, reliability, innovation
Senzori de nivel igienici cu montare pe exteriorul rezervorului
2025-03-11 12:19 Permiteti-ne sa va prezentam cateva dintre avantajele gamei de senzori capacitivi Easy Mount de la Rechner - producator german de senzori:   * spre deosebire de senzorii de nivel obisnuiti, care su...
The new KEL-FG-ER with a split flange enclosure
2022-03-16 10:48 The new Icotek CableTransit KEL-FG-ER with a split flange enclosure is the perfect solution for a 90° feed-in of cables with and without connectors.   Due to the integrated seal, a certified protect...
Click. Clack. Closed. - the new split cable entry frame KEL-FA for tool-free assembly!
2022-02-15 10:36 The Icotek KEL-FA range is a compact system to route and seal pre-terminated cables as well as conduits or pneumatic hoses utilising KT series grommets (for cable diameters from 1 to 35 mm). After pop...


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